Getting Started

Beginner's Luck

Plural is an early stage venture that has been incubated within Founders Factory London since Q3 2022. If you have come across us and are reading this, then the good news is that you are early. The not so good news is that we are releasing our information to the public slowly and there is a minimal amount of futher reading.

Here is what we're doing at the moment.

We are currently focused on building out an insurance policy product for NFT holders that protects the policyholder from smart contract risks, particularly wallet drains. The main question is compliance, risk management, and testing. Once we have an early beta version to test, we will start offering policies to a closed group. We are currently focused on validating underwriting capacity for our DAO.

Here is what we've already done.

We have built and are testing our systems for decentralized underwriting, decentralized policy issuance, token deployment and claim creation.

For further ongoing updates on what we are doing and planning, please go to and join the waitlist or do it directly here. For more details on the vision and mission, and our ideas on insurance see the whitepaper.

Last updated